Archive for the ‘Our Grandmas’ Category
Posted on October 28, 2015 - by Enoteca - 7 comments so far
Carmelina from Marcianise, Napoli
Carmelina Pica was born in the small town of Marcianise in Naples, Italy—the city famous for pizza and historic landmarks like Castel Nuovo. She came to America as a young woman with her husband and took up residence on Staten Island where she worked several years at a Salumeria. She cooks the traditional, classical cuisine of Naples. She’s our snow bird spending six months in New York and six months in Florida. Carmelina says that cooking at the Enoteca feels like family to her.
Posted on October 22, 2015 - by Enoteca - 1 comment
Margherita of Casteldaccia, Palermo
I was born in Casteldaccia in the Province of Palermo. I was raised by my mom and three older brothers. Growing up, my mom taught me many things, among my favorite cooking and embroidering. As a child, I watched my mom cook all of our traditional dishes, and often got to help her.
Then, my mom and I got to share the same experience with my two daughters. Mom always said a woman should know how to cook, and take care of the family.
My family and I, relocated from Sicily in 1982 making New York our new home. It is now with great pleasure that I say: ” I am proud to be part of The Enoteca Maria Grandma’s”. Here, I get to cook some of my most traditional family dishes, and share some of my culture.
Posted on August 18, 2015 - by Enoteca - (Comment * FaceBook It * Send to Friend)
Zuleyka from Mao, Dominican Republic
Yo naci en 1954 en Mao. Un pueblo pequeno en el norte de la Republica Dominicana.
Una de diez ninos. Y de una famlia pobre.
Nuestro padres migraron a los Estados Unidos en 1965 a trabajar, para luego traenos a todos. enenero del 1967, lograron traer los tres majores y la menor. el resto de nosotros fuimos reunidos en agosto del mismo ano. nuestro padres querian mejor educacion. para todos nosotros.Con una familia tan grande, mi madre y mi abuela enpesaron a ensenarme a los 7 anos, como cocinar la comida tipica Dominicana. O como ellas le llamaban: comida de pobre.
Posted on May 8, 2015 - by Enoteca - (Comment * FaceBook It * Send to Friend)
Rosa Maria of Medellin, Colombia
Naci y creci en Medellin, Colombia en 1958, Soy la segunda hermana entre siete hijos. Immigre a los Estados Unidos en 1985 en busca de un mejor futuro, con la esperanza poder ayudar a mi familia. Con mi pasion por cocinar y mi ganas de sobresalir  me dedique a vender deliciosos tamales Colombianos. Despues de varios años  tuve a mi hija y regresar a Colombia con mi familia. Con el proposito de brindarle un major future a mi hija regrese a los Estados Unidos en 1999, donde trabaje dos y tres trabajos al tiempo para salir adelante y ayudarle a tener una mejor vida.
Posted on October 22, 2014 - by Enoteca - (Comment * FaceBook It * Send to Friend)
Nadezhda of Mezhdurechensk, Kazakhstan
Nadezhda was born in Siberia in a small beautiful town of Mezhdurechensk in 1959. Her mom was a housewife and her father was a watch repairer. When Nadya was 12 years old her parents decided to move to Kazakhstan. Soon after they moved, Nadya’s father got sick and died. Her mother had to take care of Nadya and her brother all alone. Nadya had to help her mother. She had to cook and take care of the house while mother was working. After she finished school she entered the University and after she graduated, she started working as a teacher. Nadya has two children and three grandchildren. She is a grandma of three handsome boys. She loves cooking for them different tasty meals.
Posted on October 22, 2014 - by Enoteca - (Comment * FaceBook It * Send to Friend)
Monique of Chateauroux, France
Je m’appelle Monique Papon
Je suis née en France 1950 j’ai grandi à Châteauroux en France. J’ai travaillé pendant dix ans dans une entreprise de Condensateurs. Pendant deux ans j’ai fait des voyages à Paris pour rencontrer des familles pour du travail ,mais je rentrais chez moi déçue. Puis j’ai décidé de faire passer une annonce sur l’Herald Tribune ,la première fois que mon annonce a été publiée j’ai reçue une lettre de Madame Yul Brynner ,avec ma famille nous sommes allés en Normandie pour la rencontrer. Une semaine plus tard je suis retournée en Normandie pour travailler pour la famille Brynner en tant que gouvernante des enfants . Je suis arrivée pour la première fois en Amérique en 1975. Avec la famille Brynner j’ai voyagé dans toute l’Amérique. Je suis aux États Unis depuis 40 ans et installée à New-York depuis 36 ans.
Posted on March 28, 2010 - by Enoteca - 2 comments so far
Adelina from Casola, Napoli
Adelina Masana was born and raised in Naples, in the Campania region of Italy which is known for its rich history, art, culture and gastronomy. She learned to cook from both of her grandmothers and her mother. She remembers the rustic Neapolitan cuisine of her childhood fondly. The first dish she learned to prepare was Pasta Fagioli and then a sweet classical dessert called Pastiera.
She came to America in 1990 and took up residence in Brooklyn. Her favorite recipe is Tagliatelle alla Mantavana, but she loves everything about preparing a full-course traditional dinner with pasta, salads, meat and dessert. Of her six children, it is one of her sons who carries on the tradition of cooking back home in Naples.